Friday, August 28, 2009



[ps: douchebaggery 'til the :25 second mark, go on & skip it]

Being raised in the South, I'd bless her heart if it weren't in tamponade.

See, more often than not, this ends badly for professional bull riders ~ but hey, kudos to her for having the chutzpah. Now, she also has a concussion to go with it.

Monday, August 24, 2009


What? It could work! The person in the car clearly has training, based upon how smoothly the donuts are being executed, doesn't it look just like the movies?? Seriously, don't even need to tell him, nope, I'll just run up and do it, baybee!!!

So, what's our diagnosis? Fracture? Dislocation? Eh, without the films, we'll never know. I'll go with diagnosis: douchebag.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Our household adores the very talented Daniel Tosh, so of course we're thrilled his show is doing well.

I am thrilled on a more personal nature, as it appears he and his team are quite adept at finding perfect examples of idiocy that injures.

And, as you know, idiocy that injures will never go away; ergo, I will always have a job:

Tosh.0Returns Oct. 8th
Fire Crotch Stomp

Daniel Tosh - Tosh.O - Home

I cannot fathom, not even for a moment, WTF these people were thinking. This was not a science experiment gone awry, you know? However, clearly his friends had some fire safety knowledge...., I mean, they didn't let him run around, yeah? They got it kinda right... right? Ugh. Adding urology consult to burn consult, check.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Future Husband knows that a deal-breaker for me, with regard to children (should we decide to procreate) is trampolines.

They are pointless - there are other ways to have fun, and I've just seen too much. Not a lot in life is predictable, but the odds of landing safely after propelling oneself haphazardly into the air.. well, it's a bet I'm not willing to take.

But you will, and do.

Which is why I'll always have a job:

The last one is a double-bonus for those of you caring for adults *and* pediatrics in the same ED - note the young girl allowed to traipse in-and-out of scene, hopping on-and-off trampoline, jumping close to the edge. It's poorly edited (or, rather, not edited at all, and no sound) but I think a commenter posted when the ill-fated moment of that fine specimen of athleticism making his attempt at a back tuck occurs.

PS: there is no safety gear for trampolines... the fractures will find you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I work in an emergency department.

People do a lot of... interesting... things with their time.

I'm pretty sure I'll always have a job.

Hence, the blog - because if you can't laugh, you're always gonna cry.

Here's one to get us started off: Five Year Old Boy Kills Bear, from KATV News in December of '07. The video is here.

Did he do it, or not? Did Pa-Paw? Who cares. I'm also not going to comment about children (or, according to the video, when he started - as a toddler) with guns, supervised or not.

What keeps me in a job is, as showcased in the video, parents (a) letting their children drive ATVs, and (b) doing so without helmets. Nice.

The other stuff keeps taxidermists & PETA in jobs. Well, we all need a purpose in life.