Thursday, August 20, 2009


Future Husband knows that a deal-breaker for me, with regard to children (should we decide to procreate) is trampolines.

They are pointless - there are other ways to have fun, and I've just seen too much. Not a lot in life is predictable, but the odds of landing safely after propelling oneself haphazardly into the air.. well, it's a bet I'm not willing to take.

But you will, and do.

Which is why I'll always have a job:

The last one is a double-bonus for those of you caring for adults *and* pediatrics in the same ED - note the young girl allowed to traipse in-and-out of scene, hopping on-and-off trampoline, jumping close to the edge. It's poorly edited (or, rather, not edited at all, and no sound) but I think a commenter posted when the ill-fated moment of that fine specimen of athleticism making his attempt at a back tuck occurs.

PS: there is no safety gear for trampolines... the fractures will find you.

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